This Chilean sea bass recipe is melt-in-your-mouth delicious! I had it at Blue Water Grill in NYC, and it was by far the best sea bass I've ever had in...
A delicious fish with a summery flavor! Preparation Time: 25 minutes. This recipe is from The WEBB Cooks, articles and recipes by Robyn Webb, courtesy...
This recipe is one I created this evening after going to the local market. Wild cod was on sale and my husband was craving it. I thought the delicate flavor...
A friend was kind enough to show me this recipe some 15 years back, and I still use it frequently. It's not like the other cod curries on this site--it's...
This dish uses oranges with haddock which is a change from most dishes that use lemon with fish or seafood. It's a nice refreshing change. It pairs well...
Scallops are one of the most delicious foods if seared properly, and the addition of peppers and onions complements them quite well. Serve with couscous...
A super simple broiled grouper fillet recipe for all of you grouper groupies. Fillets 1 inch thick take about 12 to 14 minutes to cook properly. If using...
This simple recipe works best with cod (scrod) and flounder. The product is a fresh, buttery-tasting fillet. Goes so well with french fries or oven fries...
This simple recipe works best with cod (scrod) and flounder. The product is a fresh, buttery-tasting fillet. Goes so well with french fries or oven fries...
Nothing beats fresh trout, especially when it is stuffed with a fresh dill and lemon bread stuffing. The fresh flavors of this dish will leave your mouth...
This summer in Fort Bragg, my husband went on a fishing charter and came back to the campground with a lot of fresh caught Cod. We came up with this recipe,...
A super simple broiled grouper fillet recipe for all of you grouper groupies. Fillets 1 inch thick take about 12 to 14 minutes to cook properly. If using...
This fish fillet and peppers en croute dish is a wonderful, fancy meal for two, ideal for special occasions or Valentine's Day. Despite the name, this...
This sandwich toast is both fruity and fishy. The uncanny meeting of the ingredients for the filling of this sandwich toast should definitely be watched...
This is a quick, flavorful dish that looks gourmet. The spread works well with other mild white fish. Serve with your favorite vegetable and couscous for...
This is a quick, flavorful dish that looks gourmet. The spread works well with other mild white fish. Serve with your favorite vegetable and couscous for...
This is an simple and flavorful marinade combining easy-to-find ingredients. This marinade could also be used with other varieties of fish, such as salmon,...